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Dynabook, Inc. and its subsidiaries were deconsolidated from Toshiba Group on October 1, 2018.

They will continue to develop, manufacture, sell, support and service PCs and system solutions products for global markets.

For information on products and services, please see the following site.


Intel® Turbo Boost Technology

Always at the forefront of innovation, Toshiba laptops are always designed to power your mobile lifestyle to the fullest, while minding the environment with high energy efficiency. Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, available on any of our laptops with Intel® Core™ i5 or i7 processors, automatically adapts to whatever you are doing on your PC, providing extra speed when you need it and increasing energy efficiency when you don’t.

See how it works
Watch a Demo

Discover performance at your command
Whether you’re using your notebook to catch up on e-mails, editing photos, or working on spreadsheets, the processor on your Toshiba PC automatically kicks into warp speed with Intel Turbo Boost Technology when needed then scales back down when the job’s done. Now that’s smart.
Punch up your older apps
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology can even breathe new life into older software written for single-core processors. How? By automatically speeding up your processor when your laptop needs extra performance.
Enjoy smart power, and
energy-wise computing
Because Intel® Turbo Boost technology delivers extra performance automatically, that helps make your Toshiba laptop more energy efficient overall. And that should make you feel better knowing you’re doing your part to help our planet.
Which laptops have this great technology? Find them all using our Laptop Finder »

1Intel® Turbo Boost Technology requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology capability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software, and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. See www.intel.com/technology/turboboost for more information.